Posts Tagged ‘relationship violence’

I’ve been on vacation. It was needed. As a result, though, I have nearly 600 unread messages in my inbox and no idea what awaits me at the office. (I chose to actually remain disconnected from my job during the week– no e-mails, no phone calls, no “checking in” messages.) Still, I think it was worth it because everybody deserves times to be free of this sort of obligation, whether it be for a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days. (Or longer, if you’re lucky enough to have that option available.)  Self-care goes overlooked. Even those of us who exercise and eat well often fail to get enough sleep or treat ourselves well in other ways (avoiding stress, forgiving ourselves, etc.) Vacation is an utter necessity and as a society we should really make it easier to take one.  I’m going to step down off this here soap box now.

Well, at least that particular soap box.  Since I missed the end of Domestic Violence Awareness Month with my travels, I would like to share some media I saw pop up in my reading.

  • How I Survived Domestic Violence from Fem2pt0. It’s a personal story of enduring and surviving relationship violence. Its ultimate message is that every individual deserves love and respect and caring relationships.
  • How to help a Loved One Experiencing Domestic Violence from Fem2pt0 also. This is a very caring and compassionate article explaining ways to help someone you care about through a difficult situation. I personally like this posting because it encourages support and self-care simultaneously and doesn’t jump to the irrational (though totally understandable) “GET OUT AT ALL COSTS” that many others have suggested on these topics.
  • Protection from Sexual Violence is a Human Right from The Hill’s Congress Blog. This article discusses the marginalization of survivors of sexual abuse and the deplorable state of untested rape kits in America.
  • 50 Actual Facts about Rape from The Huffington Post.  This article is hard to get through but it’s very important all the same. It lists out statistics on the ubiquity and horribleness of rape. It’s exceedingly difficult to read numbered line after numbered line because it represents the state of people who have been hurt through rape.
  • Private Violence via NCADV. This is a project to end violence against women in America. Specifically, I like the link to 5 Things To Say To A Battered Woman.  I personally would word this differently as “5 Things to Say to a Women Affected by Violence” but that’s an argument beyond the core of what this article says. I think it serves a very good purpose. We’re often told what not to say but knowing what TO say is very, very important as well.
  • 1 in 6. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I hold tight to this site specifically because it reaches out and does media work to make it known that men are victims as well as women. Their media also includes outreach and community portals to help in recovery and prevention efforts for those affected.
  • No More. A campaign to end sexual and domestic violence.  Media outreach, prevention, and support for those affected are all offered here. The site is powerful in its efforts to help completely eliminate violence.
  • Preventing Sexual Violence in Disasters via NSVRC. This is a feed of media about how sexual violence tends to increase in areas affected by disasters and talks about prevention strategies for helping to put an end to such violence.