Posts Tagged ‘amnesty international’

I’m ready to come back and talk. I’ve had a couple of months to think and relax at a safe distance from these subjects and I’m again energized to work in advocacy and celebrate my own continuing recovery.

At heart, I am a geek and I have to confess that much of my love for Patrick Stewart is born from being a geek.  So when I saw his interaction with a fan regarding domestic violence I felt this unbelievable sensation of fandom glee and amazement at his eloquent explication of overcoming violence. The Tor blog also links to his speech at Amnesty International on those same subjects. It is amazing that celebrities use their powers for public good. Though I always have to shout out to those who are celebrities in their own communities, the volunteer advocates who take up these causes in equal or greater measure. You are amazing.

For the last several months I have been visiting an acupuncturist who has helped me better learn to relax and to control a number of my physical ailments, including a very frequently recurring eye twitch that was brought on by stress and anxiety. I look forward to these weekly appointments in much the same way I’d look forward to massages, which I really need to schedule.  Among other things, these sessions have helped me with accepting others touching me as a relaxing and calming gesture rather than cause for panic.

In all, I’d say this time has helped me put many things into perspective, and I’m happy to be back and blogging again.